Results for 'Filipe Fernandes Ribeiro Mostaro'

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  1.  21
    Jogos Olímpicos de Berlim 1936: o uso do esporte para fins nada esportivos.Filipe Fernandes Ribeiro Mostaro - 2012 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 19 (1).
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    Mídia e megaeventos esportivos: as cerimônias de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Atenas-1896 a Londres-1948.Fausto Amaro, Filipe Fernandes Ribeiro Mostaro & Ronaldo Helal - 2014 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (24).
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    Development and preliminary validation of a new measure for clutch states in sport and exercise.Ingrid Araujo Fernandes Ribeiro & Christian Swann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Cartografia social: produção de experiências de uma estética da educação.Bernadete Maria Dalmolin, Robert Filipe dos Passos & Silvana Ribeiro - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:171-186.
    Este artigo aborda o conceito de Cartografia Social no contexto da Educação, compreendendo que essa pode ser uma ferramenta potente neste campo. Ainda: interessa compreender de que modo a Arte e a dimensão estética são capazes de ser utilizadas como ferramenta nesse mesmo contexto. Assim, o objetivo deste texto é entender de que modo a cartografia social é capaz de potencializar a construção de uma Estética da Educação. A discussão é apresentada a partir de três seções distintas que irão explorar (...)
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    High-fidelity simulation training for improving nursing professional values acquisition.Oscar Arrogante, Ismael Ortuño-Soriano, Ana Sofia Fernandes-Ribeiro, Marta Raurell-Torredà, Diana Jiménez-Rodríguez & Ignacio Zaragoza-García - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Nursing professional values form the basis of nursing interventions and serve as a guide for professional practice, reflecting in all interactions with patients and other healthcare professionals. As nursing professional values constitute powerful influencers in nursing practice, a strong commitment to these values is essential for nursing students to provide high-quality care. Aim To evaluate the impact of high-fidelity simulation training on first-year nursing students’ nursing professional values acquisition. Research design Quasi-experimental study using a longitudinal design with a single (...)
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    A Anábase de XenofonteXenophon’s Anabasis – Resources for the study of Greek Religion.Filipe de Almeida Fernandes Soares - 2012 - Cultura.
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    Fernando Pessoa leitor de Schopenhauer e o problema do livre-arbítrio.Nuno Filipe Gonçalves Nunes Ribeiro & Cláudia Franco Souza - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (2):529-539.
    O presente artigo visa elucidar as relações entre Fernando Pessoa, Schopenhauer e a questão do livre arbítrio, tendo por base a leitura que o autor português fez da obra schopenhaueriana. Com efeito, ao longo dos escritos de Pessoa encontramos múltiplos testemunhos da leitura que o poeta e pensador português fez do pensamento schopenhaueriano. Um importante indício para o estudo da reapropriação pessoana do pensamento de Schopenhauer constata-se, desde logo, na Biblioteca Particular de Fernando Pessoa, onde encontramos uma tradução francesa do (...)
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    Os Livros Filosóficos Inacabados de Pessoa - Problemas e Criterios para a Publicação dos Escritos Filosóficos de Pessoa.Nuno Filipe Ribeiro - 2011 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (38):165-174.
    This article debates the philosophical reach of Pessoa’s writings. As a matter of fact, Pessoa’s Archive contains several projects for philosophical books, essays, small productions and dialogues. Thus, this article tries to demonstrate, through the analysis of the unpublished documents, that the philosophical dimension of this author’s work is not circumscribed to the philosophical references present in the poetry and fictions of Fernando Pessoa.
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    Motor Coordination Correlates with Academic Achievement and Cognitive Function in Children.Valter R. Fernandes, Michelle L. Scipião Ribeiro, Thais Melo, Paulo de Tarso Maciel-Pinheiro, Thiago T. Guimarães, Narahyana B. Araújo, Sidarta Ribeiro & Andréa C. Deslandes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  10.  27
    The Future Looks Good: Examining the Associations Between Coping, Psychological Distress, and Optimism.Tiago Santos, António de Sousa Uva, José Fernandes Rodrigues, Regina Ferreira, Diogo Monteiro, Antonio Hernández-Mendo & Filipe Rodrigues - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The recent pandemic and consequent lockdown had a substantial impact on mental health and optimism regarding the future. Previous research showed that levels of depression, anxiety, and stress had increased throughout the pandemic. Nonetheless, how individuals cope when faced with adversity may be associated with positive expectations regarding the future. A sample of 274 Portuguese workers with a mean age of 40.86 and work experience of 19.68 years met inclusion criteria and agreed to participate in the proposed study. They represented (...)
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    Do silêncio e do seu imaginário. A Book of Silence , de Sara Maitland, sob interrogação.Alberto Filipe Ribeiro de Abreu Araújo & Ángel García del Dujo - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (49):257-298.
    The present study is based on the work by Sara Maitland entitled A Book of Silence and seeks to reflect on this theme in the line of high spirituality by crossing it with the figures of the imaginary that form the silence itself. To this end, we seek in the first part, devoted to silence, to understand the nature of silence in its manifestations, types and images, as it was thought and studied by Sara Maitland in her A Book of (...)
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    Jogos pedagógicos e responsividade: ludicidade, compreensão leitora e aprendizagem.Nukácia Meyre Silva Araújo, Fernanda Rodrigues Ribeiro & Suellen Fernandes dos Santos - 2012 - Bakhtiniana 7 (1):4-23.
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    Ethical regulation of biomedical research in Brazil: a quality improvement initiative.Daniel Ribeiro Paes de Castro, Camilo Hernan Manchola Castillo, João Paulo Dias Ferreira, João Paulo Alves Oliveira, Tassila Fernandes Kirsten, Paulo Henrique Condeixa de França, Lisiane Silveira Zavalhia, Regina Kuhmmer Notti, Renata Kochhann & Sérgio Luís Amantéa - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    Background Q-CEP (Qualificação dos Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa que compõem o Sistema CEP/Conep) is a nationwide project resulting from a partnership between the Brazilian National Research Ethics Commission (Conep), the Ministry of Health and Hospital Moinhos de Vento (HMV). It was developed to consolidate policy for ethical review of research with human beings in all members of the CEP/Conep System, Brazil’s national system of institutional review boards. The aim of this study was therefore to report on the experience and (...)
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    Ética e bioética no mundo científico: uma revisão integrativa.Edison Vitório de Souza-Júnior, Randson Souza Rosa, Tarcísio Pereira Guedes, Cristiane dos Santos Silva, Daiane Brito Ribeiro, Franciele Soares Balbinote, Débora Fraga de Souza, Raissa Brito Teixeira, Benedito Fernandes da Silva Filho & Namie Okino Sawada - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (2):151-165.
    Ética y bioética en el mundo científico: una revisión integradora de la literaturaEthics and Bioethics in the Scientific World: An Integrative ReviewThis paper studies the reality of ethical and bioethical issues in the scientific world through an integrative literature review of articles included in three databases. Seven terms from the thesaurus Health Sciences Descriptors were used, from which three combinations were elaborated and used in the three databases. After applying inclusion requirements, a total of 18 articles were selected. Certain misconducts, (...)
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    Employees balance and stability as key points in organizational performance.José Neves, Nuno Maia, Goreti Marreiros, Mariana Neves, Ana Fernandes, Jorge Ribeiro, Isabel Araújo, Nuno Araújo, Liliana Ávidos, Filipa Ferraz, António Capita, Nicolás Lori, Victor Alves & Henrique Vicente - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (4):664-678.
    System analyses deal with interrelationships between different variables that keep the system in balance. In many analysis of complex thinking, a system is viewed as a complex unit in which the ‘whole’ is not reduced to the ‘sum’ of its parts; the system becomes an ambiguous item because it consists of several entities that interact with unforeseen results or, in other words, it is situated at a transdisciplinary level, it is impossible for an area to have a complete reading of (...)
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    Romantic Attachment and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation on Dyadic Adjustment: A Comprehensive Literature Review.Marisalva Fávero, Lúcia Lemos, Diana Moreira, Filipe Nunes Ribeiro & Valéria Sousa-Gomes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In romantic relationships, individual differences are determinant factors for relational quality. Specifically, romantic attachment and difficulties in emotional regulation influence each other and may have predictive potential for the perceived dyadic adjustment level. This paper aims to identify the developmental parallel between behavioral patterns built since childhood and the construction of the emotional regulation skills that characterize them. Our analysis was based on the attachment theory and the concepts of romantic relationship and DA. In this way, we sought to further (...)
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    Aspectos psico-antropológicos da filosofia do direito dos sofistas.Luciana Fernandes Bruno - 2007 - Rio: ABC Editora.
    "Chronicles crucial period in recent Northeast history when Tasso Ribeiro Jereissati was in his first term as governor of Ceara and Ciro Ferreira Gomes was elected mayor of Fortaleza. Purely descriptive, yet valuable as a record of the popular administration that turned Ceara away from traditional clientelistic politics"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.
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    Exu: sagrado e profano.Alexandre De Oliveira Fernandes - 2017 - Odeere 2 (3).
    Nosso estudo retoma contribuições de Georges Bataille, Pierre Verger, Edgar Morin, Ronilda Iyakemi Ribeiro, Stefania Capone, Monique Augras com vistas a discutir Exu, deus nagô e dos terreiros de umbanda, ambíguo e paradoxal, macho e fêmea, sagrado e profano. Responsável pela ordem do universo tem caráter virulento, atrevido e sem vergonha. Vindo ao mundo com um porrete mágico, metonímia de seu falo ereto, choca o decoro, a moral e a cristandade. Constrange os proscritos e as normas, embaralha as dicotomias (...)
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  19. Aspectos moralizantes Das fábulas de fedro.Márcio Luiz Moitinha Ribeiro - 2013 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 1 (26):69-76.
    Em nosso artigo, propomos traduzir e analisar a fábula latina “A raposa e as uvas” do fabulista Fedro, da Roma, do I século. A partir da qual, teremos por intenção cotejar com as fábulas homônimas de Esopo, fabulista da Grécia antiga, de La Fontaine, fabulista francês, de Monteiro Lobato e de Millôr Fernandes. Nestes dois últimos autores da nossa literatura brasileira, temos a finalidade de destacar com os demais os pontos de contato e as diferenças estilísticas das fábulas homônimas. (...)
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    Apontamentos sobre erotismo e sagrado na religião tradicional Iorubá.Ronilda Iyakemi Ribeiro - 2017 - Odeere 2 (3).
    Tendo por tema principal Apontamentos sobre Erotismo e Sagrado na Religião Tradicional Iorubá, este texto foi organizado em cinco sessões: Erotismo; A Religião Tradicional Iorubá; Encantamento e fascínio do transe; Rituais de casamento entre divindades e humanos e A busca existencial e espiritual de frequentadores das Casas de Axé. Na construção do texto foram utilizadas contribuições teóricas de Awolalu, Bataille, Braudrillard, Fernandes, Rodrigo Frias, Ribeiro, Sàlámì e Valença, bem como fragmentos da Sabedoria Veda. Foram enfatizadas a dinâmica estabelecida (...)
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  21.  26
    Entre a bomba e o traque: poesia brasileira pós junho de 2013.Sergio Bento - 2021 - Aisthesis 70:567-589.
    As jornadas de junho de 2013 se constituíram espontaneamente nas ruas de todo o Brasil, iniciando uma era de intensa polarização política e gerando todo um legado social e cultural nos anos seguintes. O objetivo do presente artigo é compreender e analisar o cenário da poesia nacional desde então, buscando rastros daqueles acontecimentos nos poemas recentemente produzidos. Para tal, buscou-se aprofundar dois universos poéticos distintos e muito pouco relacionados: o slam e a chamada “poesia tradicional”, a partir da leitura de (...)
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  22.  13
    Darcy Ribeiro: Diálogos Inéditos.Darcy Ribeiro - 2004 - Narvaja Editor. Edited by Héctor Magnani.
  23. A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship.Filipe M. Santos - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (3):335-351.
    I propose a theory aimed at advancing scholarly research in social entrepreneurship. By highlighting the key trade-off between value creation and value capture and explaining when situations of simultaneous market and government failure may arise, I suggest that social entrepreneurship is the pursuit of sustainable solutions to neglected problems with positive externalities. I further discuss the situations in which problems with externalities are likely to be neglected and derive the central goal and logic of action of social entrepreneurs, in contrast (...)
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    An Interview with Anna Christina Ribeiro.Anna Christina Ribeiro & Ethan Harris - 2021 - Washington University Review of Philosophy 1:89-93.
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  25. Inquérito Sobre a Filosofia Portuguesa. Depoimentos de Alvaro Ribeiro [Et Al. Apresentação de Pinharanda Gomes].Álvaro Ribeiro & Jesué Pinharanda Gomes - 1972 - Editora Pax.
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    Alvaro Ribeiro e a filosofia portuguesa: ciclo de palestras promovido pela Fundação Lusíada Ateneu Comercial do Porto em 14 e 15 de maio de 1993 : bibliografia geral de Alvaro Ribeiro.Alvaro Ribeiro & Joaquim Domingues - 1995
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  27. Enlightened Tribalism.Jonathan Anomaly, Filipe Faria & Craig Willy - forthcoming - Journal of Controversial Ideas.
  28. Jak uczynić nasze wrażenia dorzecznymi?Filip Kobiela - 2015 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 10 (2).
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    Lacanians and the fate of critical theory.Filip Kovacevic - 2003 - Angelaki 8 (3):109 – 131.
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    Time, Flies, and Why We Can't Control the Past.Alison Fernandes - 2023 - In Barry Loewer, Brad Weslake & Eric B. Winsberg, The Probability Map of the Universe: Essays on David Albert’s _Time and Chance_. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
    David Albert explains why we can typically influence the future but not the past by appealing to an initial low-entropy state of the universe. And he argues that in the rare cases where we can influence the past, we cannot use this influence to knowingly gain future rewards: so it does not constitute control. I introduce an important new case in which Albert's account implies we can not only influence the past but control it: a case where our actions in (...)
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  31. The Active Nature of the Soul in Sense Perception: Robert Kilwardby and Peter Olivi.Juhana Toivanen & José Filipe Silva - 2010 - Vivarium 48 (3):245-278.
    This article discusses the theories of perception of Robert Kilwardby and Peter of John Olivi. Our aim is to show how in challenging certain assumptions of medieval Aristotelian theories of perception they drew on Augustine and argued for the active nature of the soul in sense perception. For both Kilwardby and Olivi, the soul is not passive with respect to perceived objects; rather, it causes its own cognitive acts with respect to external objects and thus allows the subject to perceive (...)
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    Ethical issues experienced by intensive care unit nurses in everyday practice.Maria I. D. Fernandes & Isabel M. P. B. Moreira - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (1):0969733012452683.
    This research aims to identify the ethical issues perceived by intensive care nurses in their everyday practice. It also aims to understand why these situations were considered an ethical issue and what interventions/strategies have been or are expected to be developed so as to minimize them. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview with 15 nurses working at polyvalent intensive care units in 4 Portuguese hospitals, who were selected by the homogenization of multiple samples. The qualitative content analysis identified end-of-life (...)
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  33.  43
    Robert Kilwardby on the human soul: plurality of forms and censorship in the thirteenth century.José Filipe Silva - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    Robert Kilwardby on the Human Soul examines Kilwardby’s role in conciliating Aristotelian and Augustinian views on the soul, soul-body relation, and cognition.
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  34. Anísio, Freire e Oswald. Educação como modo de vida.Filipe Ceppas - 2022 - In Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto, VI Colóquio Pensadores Brasileiros: em comemoração ao centenário da Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi.
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    Le fronton oriental du temple archaïque d'Apollon, à Delphes.Fernand Courby - 1914 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 38 (1):327-350.
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    Monde et être chez Heidegger.Fernand Couturier - 1971 - Montreal,: Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
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    Between Leibniz and Kant: The Political Thought of Wilhelm von Humboldt.Birsen Filip & Douglas Moggach - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (5):538-553.
    In his early text, The Limits of State Action, Wilhelm von Humboldt raises the Kantian question of the permissibility and legitimate extent of political and juridical coercion, as his contribution to a debate amongst Kantians launched by the publication in 1785 of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. In arguing for a minimal state, concerned exclusively with internal and external security of its members but not at all with their felicity, Humboldt inflects Kantian political thought in the direction of (...)
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  38. Aristotle On Knowledge And Ακρασια.Filip Grgiç - 2002 - Existentia 12 (1-2):209-218.
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    Die Entstehungszeit des Calvitii encomium von Synesios.Filip Horáček - 2019 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 112 (3):877-898.
    If we take into account all chronologically relevant data, the book must have been written in 404, perhaps in 403 or in the winter of 405. A passage of Calv. enc. implies that Synesius was married when composing the essay as, in fact, he had been since 402 or 403. This terminus post quem is corroborated by the identification of Synesius’ Epistle 74 as accompanying letter for the Praise of Baldness which was sent after the author’s return to Cyrene in (...)
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    Introducing Terms.Filip Mattens - 2008 - In Meaning and Language: Phenomenological Perspectives. Springer. pp. 281--327.
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    Strange Objects, Counterfeits, and Reproductions: Clues for Analyzing Perceptual Experience in the Different Senses.Filip Mattens - 2013 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 16 (1):84-108.
    Our different senses put us in contact with the same world. In this paper, I use unusual objects and situations to bring out structural dissimilarities in the way our senses relate to the same world of material objects. In the first part, I briefly discuss the perceptual presence of spatial and material things. Using uncommon objects allows me to treat this issue without any need to invoke what it is like to have visual experiences. What comes to the fore in (...)
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  42. The Hand: An Organ of the Mind. MIT Press.Filip Mattens - 2013
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  43. Philosophical Communications.Filip Radovic - 1998 - Gothenburg University.
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    Leading with moral courage: The interplay of guilt and courage on perceived ethical leadership and group organizational citizenship behaviors.Juliana Mansur, Filipe Sobral & Gazi Islam - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):587-601.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  45. Alvaro Ribeiro e a filosofia portuguesa: ciclo de palestras promovido pela Fundação Lusíada Ateneu Comercial do Porto em 14 e 15 de maio de 1993: bibliografia geral de Alvaro Ribeiro.Alvaro Ribeiro & Joaquim Domingues (eds.) - 1995 - Lisboa: A Fundação.
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    From semantics to syntax and back again: Argument structure in the third year of life.Keith J. Fernandes, Gary F. Marcus, Jennifer A. Di Nubila & Athena Vouloumanos - 2006 - Cognition 100 (2):B10-B20.
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    Populism and the politics of redemption.Filipe Carreira da Silva & Mónica Brito Vieira - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 149 (1):10-30.
    This article re-examines current definitions of populism, which portray it as either a powerful corrective to or the nemesis of liberal democracy. It does so by exploring a crucial but often neglected dimension of populism: its redemptive character. Populism is here understood to function according to the logic of resentment, which involves both socio-political indignation at injustice and envy or ressentiment. Populism promises redemption through regaining possession: of a lower status, a wounded identity, a diminished or lost control. Highly moralized (...)
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    Robert Kilwardby.José Filipe Silva - 2012 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:1-35.
  49. Groundwork for weak analysis.António M. Fernandes & Fernando Ferreira - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):557-578.
    This paper develops the very basic notions of analysis in a weak second-order theory of arithmetic BTFA whose provably total functions are the polynomial time computable functions. We formalize within BTFA the real number system and the notion of a continuous real function of a real variable. The theory BTFA is able to prove the intermediate value theorem, wherefore it follows that the system of real numbers is a real closed ordered field. In the last section of the paper, we (...)
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    Dampening of positive affect prospectively predicts depressive symptoms in non-clinical samples.Filip Raes, Jorien Smets, Sabine Nelis & Hanne Schoofs - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):75-82.
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